Judge Dredd Wiki
1418238022619 (2)
Vital statistics
Position Dark Judge
Age Lucid
Status Undead
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Pustula was one of the cousins of the Sisters of Death with currently unexplained origins. The pus-wridden witch could spread a fatal and contagious disease which was dubbed Blisteria 101.


Dementia was very likely just as twisted as her fellow Sisters, and likely believed life to be a sin.


After the Sisters found a vessel connecting Deadworld to Mega-City One, Pustula and her sisters began to cause wide spreads chaos. She spread her disease which was quickly dubbed Blisteria 101 by a Robo-Doc who fell to the disease not long after. Pustula and her Sisters are defeated when Judge Anderson and Judge Shakta destroy the bridge, trapping them in Deadworld.
